Questions Solved in this Post: Which brands sell half pallets in less than one week? Which flavors are trending with consumers? How do brands use Pulse for product collaborations?
Off-the-beaten-path chocolate-filled wafer brand Muddy Bites, UK-born gummy brand Jealous Sweets, and reinvented craft chex-mix Chunk Nibbles all cleared 500+ units sold in just five days on SnackMagic.
As one may guess, these products skew sweet. Sweet, combined with salty and savory (umami flavors) combined sold over 5,000 units in a single day. Even, products voted as 'bitter," the least popular flavor note... was gobbled by SnackMagic consumers in just 18 days.
It's also one dimensional to assume today's innovative packaged food is just driven by one flavor -- there may be a variety of flavor combinations that go into a single product, as SnackMagic users exemplify, below.
Smart snack and beverage manufacturers even look to even partner with like-minded brands for collaborations.
We're loving this recent collab between our partner Rind Snacks and Lesser Evil on a tangilicious summer sku, Cherry Lime popcorn exclusively sold at Whole Foods Market.
You can learn about what other products are being purchased with yours on Brand Dossier, coming soon.