Q3 Insights A quick roundup of June- September 2022
Happy October!
Now that third quarter is officially over, CPGPulse users can begin to visualize some of the quarter's top performing categories on SnackMagic.
Below are side by side comparisons of SnackMagic's parent category Q2 to Q3 performance categories. Performance is measured by product velocity (quantity sold). There were slight deviations, but overall performance data stayed the course.
The below graphic also shows top performers that recently entered the SnackMagic universe this third quarter.
Top sellers are varied across all categories. From artisanal potato chips, Carolina Kettle, to better-for-you
granola products, Unimaginable Foods at 3.69k units sold, to functional soda, Mayawell at just above 37.5k.
We're eager to dig into more first-party insights as Q4 progresses -- historically, the busiest time of year,
not just for SnackMagic but for retail activity at large.
Last but not least, safe travels home to all of those who attended Natural Products Expo East 2022 in
Philadelphia this week. We connected with so many awesome familiar and new faces. Over the next few weeks,
we'll be looking at trends from the show and seeing how any Pulse first-party data insights stack up.
We'll also be hosting a post-Expo East debuted products for consumers via our sampling app, SnackDrop, next
month. If interested in being featured in this Drop, submit your brand via our sampling form here, and we'll be in touch.
Till then, have a great start to your week.