Potato Chips vs. Other Crunchy Snacks
The Potato Chip market size is estimated to reach $40b by 2026*
Chip sales are dominated by a select few brands on SnackMagic, but each brand sports a variety of differing attributes.
From different regional origins, to natural versus conventional characteristics, to opposing flagship flavors (one of which includes Red Wine Vinegar -- a flavor surprisingly growing among US grocery aisles).
Hal’s New York, Hen of the Woods, and The Good Crisp are the top three performing chip brands, but Hal’s has done exceptionally well in the past 6 months, contributing 27.68% of category quantity sold.
(Also, for our potato chip lovers, be sure to check out this recent Eater article.)
But, the 10,000 foot view shows something different as far as savory snacks go. Potato chips are only 9% of sales, versus 16% of sales which as of late, are awarded to category called 'Crunchies.'
Such products here include alternatives to classic potato chips. Including, salty cheese snacks from brands like Air Cheese, high protein bean mixes from Munchy Crunchy Protein, and upcycled veggie chips from Pulp Pantry.
*IMARC Group